
National Tobacco Control Programme

About NTCP Programme:

The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing more than 8 million people a year around the world. More than millions of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Around 80% of the 1.1 billion smokers worldwide live in low- and middle income countries, where the burden of tobacco related illness and death is heaviest. Tobacco use contributes to poverty by diverting household spending from basic needs such as food and shelter to tobacco.

             Government of India launched the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) in the year 2007-08, during the 11th Five-Year-Plan. Baseline data generated through the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) India 2009-2010, indicating high level of prevalence of tobacco use, it was up scaled in the 12th Five Year Plan with a goal to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use by 5% by the end of the 12th FYP. As per the second round of GATS, the number of tobacco users has reduced by about 81 lakhs (8.1 million). 

Objectives of NTCP:

  1. Create awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption.
  2. Reduce the production and supply of tobacco products.
  3. Ensure effective implementation of the provisions under “The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003” (COTPA).
  4. Help the people quit tobacco use.
  5. Facilitate implementation of strategies for prevention and control of tobacco advocated by WHO Framework Convention of Tobacco Control.

Structure of NTCP:                                                                                       

NTCP is implemented through a three-tier structure, i.e.

  • National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) at Central level
  • State Tobacco Control Cell (STCC) at State level &
  • District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC) at District level.

National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC):

The National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) at the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) is responsible for overall policy formulation, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the different activities envisaged under the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP). The National Cell functions under the direct guidance and supervision of the programme in-charge from the MoHFW i.e. Joint Secretary. The technical assistance is provided by the identified officers in the Directorate General of Health Services.

Key activities

  • Public awareness/mass media campaigns for awareness building and behavioral change
  • Establishment of tobacco product testing laboratories.
  • Mainstreaming research and training on alternative crops and livelihood with other nodal Ministries.
  • Monitoring and evaluation including surveillance
  • Integrating NTCP as a part of health-care delivery mechanism under the National Health Mission framework.

State Tobacco Control Cell (STCC):

There is a State Tobacco Control Cell in the State level to build the capacity of the state in effective enforcement of the Anti –tobacco Act and also to coordinate the District Tobacco Control Programme. Dedicated State Tobacco Control Cells for effective implementation and monitoring of tobacco control initiatives.

Key activities

  • State Level Advocacy Workshop
  • Training of Trainers Programme for staff appointed at DTCC under NTCP.
  • Refresher training of the DTCC staff.
  • Training on tobacco cessation for Health care providers.
  • Law enforcers training / sensitization Programme

District Tobacco Control Cell

The District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC) has been established in a district under the umbrella of the District Health Society for implementation of the anti-tobacco laws, public awareness against ill effects of tobacco use. 

Key activities

  • Training of Key stakeholders i.e health and social workers, NGOs, school teachers, enforcement officers etc.
  • Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities.
  • School Programmes.
  • Monitoring tobacco control laws.
  • Setting-up and strengthening of cessation facilities including provision of pharmacological treatment facilities at the district level.
  • Co-ordination with different departments to implement the tobacco control programme at the grassroots.


Training and capacity building is an important activity of the Cell. The DTCC organizes Total 5 trainings every year.

Training of PRIs representatives/ Police Personnel/Teachers/Transport personnel /NGO Personnel / other stakeholders:

DTCC organized Training program for selected 54 Headmasters from 7 sectors of the district on NTCP Programme, Tobacco ill effects and Cotpa 2003 on 21-11-2020 at Govt. Boys School Gandhi Chowk, Vijayapur.

Training of Health Professionals:

DTCC organized Training program for total 48 Senior/Junior Health assistants & ASHA facilitators of INDI Taluk on NTCP Programme, Tobacco ill effects and Cotpa 2003 on 24-11-2020 at THO Indi Training Hall.

Orientation of stakeholder organizations:

DTCC organized Training program for total 55 NSS Coordinators and NGO Persons on NTCP Programme, Tobacco ill effects and Cotpa 2003 on 11-12-2020 at Govt. Boys School Gandhi Chowk Vijayapur.

Orientation of Law Enforcers Training:

DTCC organized Training program for total 42 Taluk squad and PDO’s of Bagewadi Taluk on NTCP Programme, Tobacco ill effects and Cotpa 2003 on 14-12-2020 at Taluk Panchayat Hall, B.Bagewadi.

Other Trainings/Orientations sessions incorporated in other’s training:

DTCC organized Training program for 53 Self Help Group Leaders of Vijayapur urban on NTCP Programme, Tobacco ill effects and Cotpa 2003 on 20-11-2020 at Stree Shakti Bhavan, Near ZP Vijayapur.

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities.

Information, Education and Communication (lEC) in health program aims to increase awareness, change attitudes and bring about a change in specific behaviors. It is used for generating awareness, aims at establishing process of working with individuals, communities & societies to develop communication strategies to promote positive behavior. IEC plays a crucial role in bringing about this change. IEC is an essential component of National Tobacco Control Program  which aims to increase knowledge and awareness and is an important component of health promotion.

The District Tobacco Control cell is using a mix of media methods to reach different target audience. The message on harmful effects of tobacco use and Cotpa 2003 Rule is communicating through wall writings, awareness stall in melas, Hoardings, hand bills, posters, Flipchart, street plays and local Radio Jingles etc.

World No Tobacco Day:

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated on the 31st of May every year. Their goal is to spread awareness about the risks of tobacco use and how we can make the world tobacco free. On this day DTCC organizes campaigns to raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco, second hand smoking and Tobacco Control laws.

The focus of the campaign is to increase awareness on ill effects of tobacco on people’s health causing Non-Communicable Diseases, Cancer and many more. On this ‘World No Tobacco Day’ Health checkup camps are arranged and Mass IEC campaigns such as Rallies, distribution of Posters & pamphlets, Radio Jingles, Auto rickshaw announcement on Tobacco ill effects, Cotpa 2003 and TCC Services etc. have been held on regular basis as per state anti tobacco cell guidelines to educate Public about ill-effects of tobacco.

School Programmes:

School awareness programmes regularly conducting by DTCC to help the youth and the adolescents to acquire the knowledge, attitude and skills that are required to make informed choices and decisions and understand the consequences of tobacco use. It will empower students to contribute to the creation of tobacco-free environment in which they can learn and live. It is important to sensitize children at an early age and reinforce the same message at later stage.

        DTCC (District Tobacco Control Cell) shall do mapping of schools and colleges in the district. Accordingly, DTCC team shall make a quarterly comprehensive action plan for school program by taking Formal approval from DDPI and DDPU. Pre-University colleges (1st year and 2nd Year) will be involved in School campaign activity. A brief presentation followed by discussion will be done with students and they are involved in painting competition /drawing competition/ Essay competition/ Debates/ fancy dress/ skits and to the winners prizes with trophy and certificates will be issued.

In FY 2019-20 to Jan 2021 There are 165 Schools/ Colleges with 14517 Children are covered under School programme and 81 educational institutions are declared tobacco free.

Yellow Line Campaign:

Under this campaign, a yellow line will be painted 100 yards away from an educational institution’s boundary wall, indicating tobacco-free zone. Yellow Line campaign to prevent sale of tobacco products near schools and colleges.  It has been ensured that no tobacco products are available within 100 yards of every school and strict vigil is ensured to maintain this status through regular rides and inspections.

The objective of the campaign is to strengthen tobacco-free institution norms and also to create more awareness among the student and staff about the dreadful consequences of tobacco. Nobody would be allowed to sell or use tobacco product. 

The campaign would play a great role in making tobacco-free institutions.

Rose Campaign:

a Movement for Tobacco Free Educational Institutions led by student and teacher community to sensitize Point of Sale Owner and general public on not selling tobacco within 100 yards of any educational institution.

Objectives of Campaign:

  • To bring awareness on ill effects of Tobacco Consumption and provisions of COTPA Section6 (b) to Tobacco Sellers who sales tobacco within 100 yards of Educational Institutions.
  • Creating enabling environment to enforce The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products

Act (COTPA) 2003, Section6 (b) for Tobacco Free Educational Institutions.


Students visiting tobacco shops in taluks who are selling Tobacco products within 100 yards of their educational institution through Jatha. They will hand over a Red Rose (symbol of love and respect) along with a handout which explains objectives of campaign, sensitizing tobacco seller on ill effects of tobacco consumption and requesting them to not sale tobacco products.

Monitoring of Tobacco Control Laws:

Enforcement is the key for effective implementation of The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Control Act (COTPA) 2003. Enforcement squad is formed at District Level headed by Deputy Commissioner and at Taluk Level headed by Tahashildar to monitor the violations under the COTPA 2003. As per FY ROP 20-21, District has to conduct monthly and Taluk has to conduct weekly drives in key public places. DTCC team needs to coordinate with Squad team members on conducting regular enforcement drives as per plan.

The collected amount from the penalties should be deposited in a separate DC & DHO Joint account [Ac: 32795515155, IFSC: SBIN0007225].  It is recommended that the funds so generated should be further utilized in tobacco control initiatives or IEC Activities in the district.

In FY 2018-19 to till Jan-2021 DTCC along with Squads has Conducted 120 Enforcement Drives on COTPA violated public places in Vijayapur District.

Enforcement Data:

Monitoring of Tobacco Control Laws-eng

Tobacco Cessation Centre [TCC]:

Tobacco contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance and leads to chronic nicotine dependency. To overcome this dependency, the tobacco users need help and counseling to gradually quit tobacco use. Thus, death and debilitating disease due to tobacco use can be reduced significantly through an increased emphasis on cessation programmes.

            Tobacco cessation is one of the important links of tobacco control. It helps current users to quit tobacco use in a scientific manner. DTCC Established TCC to provide free tobacco cessation counseling, treatment and other health services at district hospital. One Counselor/ Psychologist is working in Tobacco Cessation Centre (TCC) and counselors those who are working at Taluk Hospitals, Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centres under NPCDCS programme are regularly counseling on tobacco ill effects and Services available at TCC. One who wants to quit tobacco may visit this TCC Centre and take pharmacological therapy/NRT (if required). The Ministry has also started National Tobacco Quit Line to provide tobacco cessation counseling services to the community through a toll-free number (1800-11-2356).

Focus Group Discussion

Focus Group Discussion involves gathering people from similar backgrounds or experiences, to bring them together to discuss a specific topic of interest. It is a form of qualitative research; here questions are asked about their perceptions attitudes, beliefs, opinion ideas, habits etc. In National Tobacco Control Program, FGD is conducted with identified tobacco users in a village; taluk and district level. and motivate them to quit tobacco consumption. It can be done with Self Help Group Meeting, Colleges, Youth Clubs, Parents Meeting at School and Colleges, Health Camps, Rotary club/Lions club, NGOs etc. Those who quit tobacco completely can share his/ her experience to motivate others. Tobacco victims and cancer patients can be invited to talk on tobacco ill effects and benefits so quitting tobacco. It can be done by using tobacco ill effects flipchart, posters and showing anti tobacco videos. Discussion should not only highlight the health hazards of tobacco, but it should also showcase the economic consequences on “how tobacco ruins a household”, “Economic Burden of tobacco”, “Social burden of tobacco” etc. The psychologist has to show them a different angle about their cultivated habit, how quitting will be beneficial to him/her in different was. At end of the FGD, psychologist should explain services available in Tobacco Cessation Centre and refer him to Psychiatrist working under DMIIP Program for any higher treatment, to those who are willing to seek tobacco cessation service. Educative materials, flipcharts, reading materials are given to FGD participants. Ideally, one FGD group consists of 1015 people. NTCP Psychologist has to be actively involved along with other NTCP team members. Counselor Psychologist under NTCP has to organize 4 such FGD’s in a month.


Coordination with different departments:

Tobacco consumption causes more harm to body for which social awareness is needed along with effective implementation of COTPA Laws. There is need for inter departmental coordination for reduction in selling & consumption of tobacco products. Along with creating awareness, there is a need for stern implementation of provisions of laws and for this District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC) chaired by the Collector or District Magistrate at District Level and Taluk Level Coordination Committee (TLCC) chaired by the Tahashildar at Taluk level is working in place.

 Awareness on tobacco ill effects and implementation of COTPA laws are not only responsibilities of health department hence all departments should work together and for the review of the effective implementation of COTPA by various departments,  this committee meets once in 3 months under the chairmanship of DC at District level and under the chairmanship of Tahashildar at taluk level and department wise action taken will be reviewed for monitoring of effective implementation of cotpa laws in the district. DTCC organizes this District Level Coordination Committee meeting at District Level and THO’s organizes Taluk Level Coordination Committee meeting at Taluk level and come up with new agenda in each meeting for effective implementation of the programme and details of problems faced during implantation of Cotpa laws in the district and what are the possible solutions will discussed in the meeting.



Kannada Pamphlet scan copy: 


                                                                            KANNADA POMPLET TOBACCO 


Circulars issued at State Level:

1.New pictorial health warning:

2.Ban order on usage of smokeless tobacco, pan masala and spitting in public places:

3.DO Letter on E-Cigarettes and Gazetted Notification:


Circulars issued at District Level:

1.Dist & Taluk Level Authorized Person for Enforcement drive:

2.Circular regarding inclusion of COTPA Laws by corporation:


Tobacco Cessation Center (TCC)
Room No: 8/3, Near Blood Bank, District Hospital Campus,
Ph: 08352-271613