Social Security & Pensions
The Government of Karnataka is implementing several social security schemes at Taluk level for helpless, disadvantaged and destitute widows and disabled persons. Social Directors Government Order Number: COME44 MST 2007 2007, dated: 08-05-2007 to implement the project better.
The main objective of the Directorate is to implement all the schemes relating to social discipline and work effectively from time to time.
The Directorate maintains the following social security and pension schemes:
- Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS)
- Widow Pension Scheme
- Disabled Pension
- Sandhya Suraksha Scheme
- Ideal Wedding planning
- National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)
- Funeral Assistance Fund Scheme
- Aam Aadmi Bima (Janashree) Scheme
- Manasvini
- Maithri
Directorate of Social Security and Pensions
Location : 5th Floor, Revenue Complex, K.G. Road | City : Bengaluru | PIN Code : 560009